
Your Kidneys and Diabetes

Being too sweet can keep your kidneys’ health at stake- Diabetes and its complications. Diabetes is considered the primary cause of kidney failure; researchers have found that people suffering from diabetes are vulnerable to experiencing kidney-related complications at some point in their life. India is the abode of over 77 million diabetic patients, making it the world's second most affected nation, after China- this sums up that one in a group of every six people is suffering from diabetes in India. Not so sweet! Do you know that having uncontrolled blood sugar levels (diabetes) can also keep your kidneys at stake? High blood sugar levels can severely affect your kidneys' functioning, and the worst part is that you will never see that disease prowling around your kidneys to impair their functioning. Diabetes can whole or partially affect your kidneys' functioning and will only get noticed when you have already lost half of your kidneys' functioning. Diabetes targe